Trinity Sunday

Running a day late- I blame the weather - 26c here today! We did an early morning walk before it got too hot and stopped off at the Heron Gallery for a cheeky coffee and a scone. Too hot to do much work outside but a swim was taken later, high tide around 5pm, and delicious. Then I zoomed off to Castleventry for it is Trinity Sunday and there was a pattern day at the local well. This didn't start till 8pm, after milking, and was a fair drive to get there- Daphne (my GPS) taking me the most remote route possible - I recognised nowhere. I first came across this well seven years ago - Seán was engaged in restoring the wellhouse - I was astounded to see anyone around, he was astounded that anyone else knew of it. I came to the rededication service the year later and have become friends with Seán and Danny who organises this. A good crowd of about 60 people turned up, the atmosphere was festive, the  parking dodgy , two dogs had a fight, the larks were still going strong and someone played the flute. I was introduced as a special guest - thank goodness I went!  One of the nice customs at this well is to bring flowers. The water is also good for headaches, neuralgia, insomnia and cattle!
I returned home via a grotto and then Daphne took me on an even more torturous route finally disgorging me in Drimoleague when I sped home, returning at around 11pm. Sadly the big fat moon had still not made appearance though Venus had.

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