A Charming Volunteer

One of the many plants forming our so called lawn, a spreading bellflower. Some we have dug up from elsewhere, but most, like this tiny beauty growing right next to the pavement Mike made, have appeared uninvited, and are more than welcome.

Blip are celebrating eight years of Tiny Tuesday, so am posting what I think is my first TT entry.

We were meant to be at a games night at Eileen's, but I'd wirtten the wrong date on our calendar, such a shame.

- booking our flights for Paul's wedding, which is a relief, find it so hard to make the decisions and actually commit, so it's a relief
- Mike making progress on rearranging the other room, it was looking scarily chaotic, given we have a load of visitors coming on Saturday
- some drops of rain falling as I write, and more promised, so, so needed...


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