If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Cow Parsley ( Anthriscus sylvestris )

A very up and down sort of day.  In the morning there was the funeral of a young man from the village, 38 is too young to die.  The church was packed, a couple of hundred or so.  He had been a keen footballer and darts player, wearing white and/or blue was requested.  Alongside those colours various friends and team members were wearing the colours of the teams he had been in.  The occasion was made doubly emotional as it is less than a year since we attended his father's funeral.

After the "funeral tea" at the golf club we met Kanyl for our usual Wednesday afternoon out.  With less time than usual, we went to "Melki" the local nursery/garden centre  Then back to ours with Kanyl for A BBQ.

The blip is Cow Parsley currently round here the roadside verges are white with the flowers.  Usually considered a weed it is interesting that it has featured in Monty Don's garden on TV and at the Chelsea Flower Show.  

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