The Hazyland Boys

By TheHazylandBoys


Tango's trousers smelled pretty bad today after a couple of days with an upset stomach. Some of you may remember that Tango has issues with handling - I have done a lot of Fearfree Handling training with him - look at this! He has come a long way with this and accepts nail clipping etc, but I am very careful and I try to avoid all handling, when he is unwell as he is more sensitive. So even though a bath would have been good, I didn't feel that it would be a good idea. 

So.... luckily the weather is wonderful, so I took the boys to the lake for a quick swim. I am not sure how good swimming is for an upset stomach, so I only let them swim for about 10 mins, but it was enough to clean Tango's trousers and he is a lot nicer to be around now. I am sure it makes him feel better too. 

I think Xmas' stomach is improving, but Tango is still not great. They both seems to be in a good mood and quite happy luckily, so hopefully they will both be back in shape soon. 

Happy weekend
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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