Seen in passing

Windswept poppies in the verge, with rather nice shadows.

The only tradesperson today was a bloke with some filler to repair the area around the wall socket which was damaged yesterday and the redundant hole in the side wall. I did ask if he was going to fix the outside end of the hole, but he only does insides, someone else will do the outside.

This is a blip event today, my 12 yr anniversary, I think!!!
So much has happened during this period of time, unbelievable!!! I started off trying to develop my photography skills and had some success, but with the transition to the camera on my phone and the use of my blips as an ‘aide memoir’, my priority has changed. Now it’s to get something posted !!!! This has been a major challenge during this house move period.

My friends on Blip are gems and I do appreciate all the views and comments on my journal and all the blips that you post which lighten up the day. I haven’t the time to comment much these days, but I do check them out as I’ve always done. Cheers to everyone.

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