Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A day for birds

We drove over to Horicon Marsh Preserve today for a walk and possible bird photos.  We were not disappointed. At the visitor center we saw purple martins at the martin houses.    The walk was about 2-1/2 mile with mostly red winged blackbirds fluttering around as we started on the boardwalk.  As we walked further we came upon sandhill cranes and a heron.   And geese...which we were a little worried about since they were right on the trail.    Back at the visitor center we came upon a tree swallow.    We drove a short distance to another section of the swamp with a boardwalk where we saw an American bittern and a black well as in the egret and a what were are pretty sure is a whooping crane due to the black on its wings.    A great surprise seeing the bittern and the whooping crane.

We stopped at the Holy Hill which was the highest area in this part of Wisconsin and was home to the Basilica and National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians.   We were too late to climb the steps of the tower. 

We took our time eating supper at another great restaurant before making our way back to Diane's.  

Tomorrow I head home at lunchtime but we are hoping it does not rain in the morning so we can get in one more walk along the lake front.  It was such fun to be with Connie and Diane and I hope we can plan another adventure in the future.  

A few extras of the marsh and the basilica.  

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