Hanging On

After the battering the apple tree has taken over the last couple of days it's a wonder there's any blossom left! But it's hanging on so fingers crossed we'll get some apples in a few months!
This morning started off quite well. I had a nice long bath while Mr K sorted out the Little Misses' breakfast. I started my new book which I'm quite enjoying. Italian detective fun and games!
Then the day went downhill a bit when we took Miss E to the nurse to have bloods taken. Mr K too - they're both being tested for Coeliac Disease.
Mr K handled it quite well, Miss E less so.
Unfortunately for her she's inherited her mother's collapsing veins and after quite a bit of poking about and screaming we were sent away for an hour for the magic cream to take effect.
A quick trip to Costa for babycinos, chocolate brownies, Starbursts and Calpol. Just the usual!
One more attempt, more screaming and hyperventilating, a new nurse, one last - thankfully successful - attempt.
Bless her. She came out covered in plasters and not very impressed.
I think we can safely say that if it's positive we'll be giving the endoscopy a miss!!!
We came back for swimming which was lovely today - really quiet as it's half term. Miss E has made a new friend and they chatted and giggled through the whole lesson. So lovely to see!

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