Tongue out Tuesday

Today seems to be the last sunny day for a while if the weather forecasters are to be believed. We're having one of T's sisters and niece visiting for a few days, arriving from New Hampshire on Friday. I have not seen them since February 2020. They visited last  time just a couple of weeks before everything shut down for the pandemic. We hope for some sun on Saturday when we have invited some more family members for a patio picnic. It doesn't look hopeful.

Fianna will have quite a shock with company here. I suspect she will hide at first, but we hope she appears before they leave on Tuesday. Raven loves company and will entertain with her antics. She was doing her morning tidy-up in the photo above as soon as I made the bed.

For the Record,
This day came in warm and muggy after heavy rain last night. We still don'y have our upstairs AC units installed, so tonight could be uncomfortable. We have a ductless heat pump AC in the loft that cools the downstairs.

All hands having fun with the Two House Panthers.

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