Shadows and Sunlight - a Balance

I had hoped to go the blipmeet tonight to catch up with local blippers, but circumstances dictated otherwise. Shame - I could do with a night out and a good belly laugh!

It was a very intense day today. No time to think and take stock but I wouldn't change it - I just need to make sure I balance it out with space and fresh air. I think if I hadn't found Blip and photography then I'm not sure I'd find that balance and I dare say it might be difficult to do my work during the day.

I've walked and got my headspace on weekends for many years, but this alternate focus gives me reason to get out daily. It would be too easy not to. Too easy to curl up in front of the TV or play a sedentary game. Nothing wrong with that - who am I to say what people should do to relax, but for me this works.

I can start each day with a clear head because of this.

On the moor for a short while tonight it was ours - if we wanted space we had it as we saw not a soul. The sun was appearing and disappearing behind robes of colour like a giddy child playing hide and seek in a sari shop.

Sunglasses on... sunglasses off... sunglasses on... sunglasses off...

Across the moor and beyond the landscape was striped with sunlight - quite stunning.

Thanks for tolerating my title on my chive blip yesterday :o)

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