Welcome To The Jungle

I’m fairly certain that this shouldn’t be growing out of the lawn. I don’t know what it is, but it will have to go at some point. Trouble is that it’s just too hot and dry to risk cutting the lawn at the moment else it ends up burnt and dying! There are a few showers forecast next week though, so maybe a chance to get the mower out before the end of the month.
Another day of inactivity due to the aforesaid heat, though we are going out to a “Murder Mystery Evening” tonight - hopefully the venue will be air conditioned. Not been to one of these events before, so we’re intrigued to see how it all works. There’s a three course meal as well so at least we get fed!
The downside is that I will have to put some proper clothes on - I don’t think scruffy t-shirt and shorts fits the dress code criteria. Definitely hoping for that aircon!

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