
By sleepyduck

Imp and new toy

Many of you will have noticed that Imp bought herself a new toy yesterday. It seemed appropriate that I should blip her and it today. The LX3 is indeed a splendid thing and Imp has coveted mine ever since I got it, so it's nice that she now has her own :-)

Still has her eyes on my D300 though...

Thank you for all your comments yesterday. I'm quite surprised that so many of you like the bagpipes. I have often thought that if firearms were legal in the UK, I would by now have spent many years in jail, having one day been tipped over the edge and left a trail of blood and guts and tartan and chanters all along Princes Street. But I suppose that as long as some of you enjoy the bagpipes, the rest of us aren't suffering in vain.

Sunday evening. I don't like Sunday evenings. Roll on Friday!

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