
By Ellaphant

Room With A View

Shot from one of the windows of the employment agency I had an appointment with.  The building is an old but adequately recycled 19th-century house along the canal.  The interview lasted about 45 minutes and was most enlightening.  Promising is something else.  They can only offer me what every other agency can offer right now, even though they do not share clients (presumably), and the advice is also the same -- 'Wait and see.'

Mails from the Viking.  There'll be a hearing next week, which I already knew from a bit way back.  There'll also be a hearing, as 'luck' would have it, on the very day of our departure for our holiday.  It'll be held at 02.30 Dutch time, which will be 08.30 there, and we're the last on the list, so we won't have our turn till maybe 04.00, and then -- and then -- we'll have had to have loaded our handcarried luggage in the car already so that we can leave at 05.00 or 05.30, at the latest.  We didn't pay to take along any large suitcases but we're used to travelling light, so no issue, but what is certainly off-putting is the possibility that I might be called to testify that same night.  The only thing I can say is that I'll most likely have the best excuse to sleep on the planes and enjoy my holiday afterwards.  In short, on edge most of the day.

Some housekeeping and kitchen duties, and after dinner AW left for live bridge at Sweed's and Benna's.  A quiet but still slightly restless evening for myself.

Thankful for this lovely scene.  Thankful also for my Third Eye who told me while I was enjoying an afternoon nap that it'll all be all right and I'm not to worry.  Jeanne d'Arc feared burning at the stake, and she did.  That's not what will happen in my case, I'm inclined to think.

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