Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard

Macro from new toy...

I've been playing with the macro settings on my new toy (an LX3). I like the result. Do you know what this is?

It has been a lovely weekend - as it always is when I'm reunited with the lovely man. We were also blessed with cooler but sunny weather most of the time in Glasgow. I've been out this evening for a short cycle in it. That was really lovely apart from the kids who tried to hit me with a football as I cycled by. Not for the first time, I am thankful for the poor aim of the locals!

There has been a helicopter overhead a lot. I wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that they found a woman's body beside the park at 1pm yesterday. I have blipped that park a number of times. There is now a murder investigation and it's the fourth major one since I moved here seven years ago.

Now for a relaxing evening where I think about what to cook and play some more with my new toy!

Enjoy your Sunday blippers.

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