
By Grammy

A Fun Day

Parker’s first game wasn’t until 9:40 so we had a leisurely morning. They won their first game but were unable to remain on top for games two and three. They played hard and were good sports so we enjoyed being with them. I captured Parker in action (no. 23). In between games, we gathered as a team family, let the boys rest, had lunch and enjoyed the wonderful breeze. We play the next game tomorrow at 8:00 am. We are only 13 miles from the sports complex so that will not be a problem. I heard from all of my family today; we have celebration plans once we get back home. We are heading to 5:00 pm Mass at Church of the Holy Cross, see extra, and then hubby found a cozy diner for my birthday dinner. Hope your weekend has been fun so far. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don't celebrate those, they can pass you by.” - Alek Wek

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