Maybe today

By Feather

Black & White 1

Number One: because more of these houses may be blipped in the future.
In a small island country were most people live in high-rise apartments, these Black and White houses offer a glimpse the colonial past.
Built between 1890's and 1941 these houses all have a similar style reminiscent of Arts and Crafts combined with adaptations taken from malay influences. (Don't quote me on this ...There are books written about this particular style and 2 lines doesn't really do it justice)
Anyhow of the 200 or so that are left on the island most are now owned by the Singapore government, which rents them out on a very strict basis ..any improvements have to be taken out when the lease expires. This includes kitchens, telephone wires, air conditioners the rents are very high. Most have large gardens which is a great luxury in this crowded country.
Some of "Black & Whites" as they are known here are offices and restaurants, which often retain the decor of the colonial days.
This particular house appears to be empty at the moment...just waiting for a new tenant

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