Plus ça change...

By SooB

Gather ye rose-buds...

... while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day,
To-morrow will be dying.

(But only because Katherine picked it and stuck it in a vase.)

Some illegal flower gathering today when my mum took the kids for a walk - you can tell they didn't have the family lawyer with them. Katherine wanted to bring them all home to identify them from her new 'wild flowers' book, and I guess her enthusiasm overcame the 'Take only photos'* message that they've had drummed into them at great and boring length.

Anyway, we don't know what this flower is - anyone know? The whirls of flowers are about an inch across and the leaves didn't come home with it so I can't tell you what they look like.

Flowers aside, it was a day to be almost grateful that I woke up with a bad cold - as it meant I couldn't smell the dreadful geraniums mum has filled the house with, and was let off going for a walk duties and got to stay inside and bake all day. Off now for a hot strong toddie to banish my cold.

*And occasional pebbles....

Backblips for:

Thursday: mystery object

Friday: Yellow flowers

Saturday: Big wet blue flower

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