Small Predator

Not as warm as last days, +23, good. Sunny and strong wind.

We got to the allotment a bit earlier than usual. Exctly the same work, preparing the garden for our holiday time. We met by chance another gardener from the area whom we had planned to ask to care about our garden when we are away, in the country. It's still so very dry that it would be better to have someone who knows how to garden looking a bit after our place. He has had his own place there already for 45 years, quite a while. He's very helpful and promised to do it. Of course we give compensation for his work.

When leaving for home I had a minute to check the plants and I discovered this soldier beetle (Cantharidae). It's about 10 mm long. It feeds on pollen and other small insects, e.g  aphids. So it's very useful in the gardens. I've been wondering for years what insect eats this common hollyhock's leaves ever year. Hope these beetles help save them.

Edit: just now after posting this I discovered in the picture also an aphid near the beetle. Wow.

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