
By ayearinthelife


We cleared out our flat at the beginning of May and stuck the mattress off the bed into the study, thinking it would only be there for a short while until I sold it. That weekend, I had a few people interested on FB but the drummer in our band was also interested as he was just about to move into his first house and had very little furniture.
Having been in that situation myself, many years ago, I offered him the bed and anything else we’d cleared out of the flat that might be useful. All was agreed, but the big problem is that he is in Barrow and doesn’t drive and I am in Kendal but don’t have a van. A mutual friend from Barrow offered the use of his van but it seemed impossible to find a time when all three of us were available to effect the transfer.
Six weeks later and Mrs C was getting heartily p***ed off with not being able to open the back door or access the shelves because the mattress was in the way. A long exchange of messages on WhatsApp and it was agreed we would move everything on Saturday morning. Until a combination of oversleeping and other commitments put the kibosh on that one.
Finally, it was agreed that the bed and mattress would be collected this evening, delivered tomorrow and the bed reassembled by me at a mutually convenient time thereafter. When that will be, I have no idea but at least Mrs C is now able to use the back door for the first time in six weeks!

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