
By Wildwood

Mono Abstract

The oft photographed wire basket full of wire balls on our table. At least I try to make it something a bit different each time.

We had a nice walk at Spring Lake but decided our hearts weren’t in going to the French bakery for coffee. The morning fog has returned and we didn’t really want to sit outside. We probably could have left Spike in the car, but we’re feeling overprotective, still trying to get our heads around this gruesome sounding surgery which is less gruesome when we stop to think that the eyes aren’t doing anything for him except maybe causing trouble….a call from the eye vet this morning assured us that his blood work was all fine.

I did a little dusting…amazing how thick it gets even now that the earthmoving has ceased, not to mention the cobwebs everywhere! John was out hacking down the grevillea under the kitchen window which is threatening the frog pond. I can’t go near it as I’m quite sensitive to it’s toxic properties. John was swathed like a beekeeper from head to foot so I hope he doesn’t react. Eczema is enough to cope with.

Has anyone managed to figure out how to make a man drink more than a half glass of water/day? I’m about to resort to water boarding!

For reasons I’m beginning to question, I decided to make a quiche today. I have all the elements prepped but am resisting making the pie crust…even though it is from frozen dough. I’m hopeless at pie crust, though I suspect that more butter is probably the answer….

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