Choose Joy

By Energia

I got out of bed

I know you aren’t impressed, because you got out of bed too, but see, I had a conflict. Part of me wanted to go far, far away, have an adventure, and make new friends. Part of me wanted to stay in bed and not meet strangers. 

I got out of bed. I went far away. I got my rented kayak. We all decorated our kayaks for Pride Paddle. I really loved the leader’s which had unicorns and a unicorn horn. Her son’s had a giant multicolored feather boa. 

Decades ago I went canoeing a fair bit. I’ve never been kayaking before so it was nice to experience it and lovely to be out on a lake in glorious weather pre-mosquito and with good air quality. 

Today in Russia was weird. We went from possible civil war to charges being dropped against the Wagner leader and him agreeing to move to Belarus.The whole thing is so odd that some people wonder if the entire thing is a ruse and the best they can say is “some facts are missing.”

There is a video on social media with Ukrainians complaining that money spent rescuing the Titan could have been donated to Ukraine. It turns out to be a fake.

The European Commission is “converging” on options on how to use frozen Russian assets for Ukraine. 

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