
By Grammy


Sleep eluded me last night. So much to ponder about life, love and loss. Father Bill was six years younger than me, same age as my sister who blips. The coroner says his death was caused by an “organic cardiovascular event”. Our family has been overwhelmed with the outpouring of praise for a life well lived. The tv stations in Buffalo NY were especially kind with their tributes. Bill has long been one of their favorite celebrities. Still no date for services but at least they will be in Baltimore. Thanks to all of you who have expressed condolences. That means so much. If only kitties could talk! Millie has always been “my” kitty. Since Blanche passed, she has moved her allegiance to hubby. At home, she goes to his lap first. At night, she snuggles closer to him. I have noticed that now she always goes to the door and sits waiting for him to return whenever he leaves. We think she is trying to comfort him or thinking he may bring Blanche back when he returns. Who knows? We got to Parker’s first game on time and watched him and his team win 6-3. They had a long interval between games. They were about a quarter into the next game when we heard thunder. Everyone stayed in their cars between 30-45 minutes when they cancelled the rest of the tournament. We were in second place before the last game. Not sure how it will turn out. Parker and his parents headed home. They should arrive at a decent hour. We headed back to Dover in search of dinner because more rain prevents us from cooking. We found another mom and pop diner. We will have all the frozen food we brought when we camp at Pocahontas in August. We got to the bridge to take us across the Chesapeake and Delaware canal only to find it was closed for repairs. At least the detour route was well marked. Thanks again for visiting my journal. Stay safe, tell your family you love them. “There are few things in life more heartwarming than to be welcomed by a cat.” - Tay Hohoff

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