sorriso finto

#thoringael fake smiling for me this morning

Even though he is fake smiling as it is Monday again where he often dreads the weekly flag ceremony, am proud of him for insisting that he carry his own backpack to their classroom like the rest of the kids. 

#thorversations :
P: If you're carrying your backpack then maybe you can also walk by yourself to your room?

T: I'd still appreciate your company. 

Title is just "fake smiling" in Italian as per Google. 

*Speaking of Italian, B and I had an interesting exchange about Italian (and other foreign films dubbed and subbed) on Netflix. 
Recently saw "Still Time"/ Era Ora (would not have finished it in a day had I not been stuck in traffic but grateful to have found a gem). Am digressing but learned today that he prefers the version which is not dubbed as he said foreign films are supposed to be enjoyed in their original sound with subtitles.* 

Need to go back to T's school and fetch him. Will practice cycling again. Have a good one! 

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