
By Essy


Today we went to two museums. They were both very interesting but on the outside they were pretty spectacular as well. All the buildings are just so much older and more striking than anything in Australia. 
I personally enjoyed both museums, but the science museum was much more hands on and exciting. Hugh detonated some sort of explosion and Adelaide held flash cotton as this man lit it. There was a theramin type object we could play with which I very much enjoyed. 
This afternoon mum tried to take us to some nice places, out for a very nice afternoon tea then to Harrods. The afternoon tea was amazing with little cakes and pastries but it is also the first time I can really remember being quite this embarrassed by some of my siblings. We were in this lovely cafe and every few seconds someone else would be doing something stupid. It was pretty funny at times. 
Harrods was also lovely and extravagant but also ridiculous. The first price tag I saw was a reasonably basic shirt on sale for 419 pounds

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