Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Unst can do no wrong

We fell in love with Unst today. Rain across the UK and in Shetland’s most northerly Isle it was 25 degrees and blazing sunshine.

We went full tourist mode. Bobby’s Bus Shelter, then Haroldswick for some affa fine tea and cake at Victoria’s Vintage Tea room. On to the wonderful Norwick beach, where I was fair tricket to straddle an ophiolite - where a section of the Earth's crust from beneath the ocean collided with an ancient continent and was pushed up onto it over 420 million years ago. We then headed up the steep brae past the ominous looking Saxaford Space Port and nesting birds aplenty towards Skaw Beach. Skaw is the British Isles most northerly house and beach and the beach and cliffs are stunning, there were folk in swimming but we settled for old school tomato soup from flasks and a walk to the headland and past ruined old military/listening stations.
Onwards again to Burrafirth beach and Hermaness Nature Reserve which were looking magnificent in the blazing sunshine, didn’t have long to walk at the reserve but Sam was chuffed to see loads of familiar and not so familiar birds.  Heading south we got chatting to some locals (originally from doon sooth) in the charity shop before heading on to the Unst Viking Project Longhouse and Skidbladner Longboat, so great to see them at scale.  Finally, on to the imposing Muness Castle and past the only standing stone, standing proud and visible from all around.  

Then a hot foot it to get the ferry to Yell, then a ferry to the mainland and Lerwick for dinner and happily collapsing on a sofa.  

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