Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Never Look Away

My first post for Gay Pride Month is this mural. My 35mm lens can only show a small piece of it, but this article shows the whole thing and tells about each person in it. The lead artists were Cassandra Swan and Kyra Watkins. The article tells much more.

I watched the documentary Eldorado: Everything the Nazis Hate on Netflix last night. It's about the use of prejudice against Queer people in Hitler's Germany, and how the homophobia evolved as Himmler used it to jockey for power. Deeply sobering and important to know. One-minute Trailer if you'd like to see it. 

I had my third back procedure today, so I’m going to rest tonight and not do Blip comments, but I’ll leave comments on and read them tomorrow and try to catch up on blip journals then.

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