The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

High and Dry

Published: Sunday, January 13, 2013 at 6:30 a.m.

"Land-locked McIntosh is likely one of the last places on Earth anyone would look to find a submarine. Heck, even nearby Orange Lake is more prairie than pond nowadays. Yet here it is: Nautilus - all 14 feet and 2,000 pounds of her - alongside busy U.S. 441 in front of Marshall Roddy's McIntosh Village Antiques."

According to the story this 2 man submersible was built by a local inventor/entrepreneur whose dream was crushed by government regulations and a lack of cash so now it's sits by the side of the road, an attention grabber for the antique shop and a landmark for giving directions to McIntosh - "turn right at the submarine". It certainly is unique and I've been planning to take this pic for a while now.

Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes, stars, and hearts over the course of the last couple of days. No wonder I'm addicted to Blip.

.... and the adventure continues.

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