
By DepressedDiva

Tidy house, Tidy mind

I’m not sure how true that saying is but while I was feeling positive I decided to tidy my living room. It’s not perfect but it’s definitely presentable now. I wouldn’t be embarrassed if someone turned up unexpectedly now!

I am very, very, very tired today! Three nights on a sofa, a festival, over 25000 steps and then getting up at 6am to drive home and to work has drained me. At least work is quiet at the moment.

Off to bed for an early night. Tomorrow I intend to restart running. I know it’s probably the single best thing I can do for my mental health. Before I split from my husband I was a proper hardcore runner (even ran a Marathon) and loved the buzz of it, and the time and space to think. Might not happen though. I’m good at excuses now. Plus I think the weather is forecasting thunder…even back in the day I wouldn’t have gone out in that!

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