
By Essy


A rare sight in England. This sand was also sadly not on a beach, but in the equally beautiful Kew Gardens. 
This morning we went to the Mako London office so Dad could catch up with some colleagues. We did have a nice lunch and walk through markets but after that us kids were left to entertain ourselves in the games area. That would have been fine if some random IT guys weren't already playing pool. They didn't even just play one game. I thought they'd only played 3 by the time we left, but Hugh recons it was closer to 6. 
We went to a nice chocolate shop then left to see another of Dads colleagues (I think he was a colleague?) for dinner. He showed us around the area which was beautiful but the best part was we ran into a local cricket team training in the nets and joined in. They weren't all that great so even our off season bowling didn't seem too terrible, but it was mostly just great to hold a cricket ball and go through those familiar actions again. 
There was also a lady on their team! I'm not going to say anything about her actual abilities but it's always really exciting to see other females on generally male teams. I know we're not as good but it's nice to see there are other girls out there playing in the lower level male teams. 
Dinner was really nice, they gave us beetroot for our burgers and told me about the local foxes. I'd probably have paniced and run screaming from any foxes I saw if she hadn't warned me. We spoke about football (soccer) red peppers (capsicums) and how they see their family twice a year, in the summer holidays and in the Christmas holidays. Made no sense to me but interesting nonetheless.

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