My Best Efforts - Year 3


Off the Critical List!.........

............... when I bought this hanging basket containing these lovely double Pink Petunias a few weeks ago, I gave them little chance of survival. Can you feel sorry for plants? - well I did! Got it home and stood the whole basket in a large bowl of tepid water and left it there overnight. Had a good look at it the following morning and it seemed to have perked up a little. Since then, I have fed it with a liquid feed ( not quite full strength ) every 5 days and this is the result! There are now quite a few flowers open and dozens of buds. It is turning out to be one of the prettiest of the 3 baskets I bought and this one only cost a couple of pounds because it looked so poorly. Am well chuffed :-)

A beautiful morning - sun shining - birds singing - and at 9.15 a.m., temperature is 13 deg. C. Can it last all day?

Please look on large - click lower case "L"

Have a lovely Sunday.

(note to Anni - legs sorted - T. used!)

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