
By Topsyturvy


These hand drawn swan IDs were done by Sir Peter Scott in 1968. I am full of admiration for not only his meticulous work but also the ability to distinguish such fine differences between each bird.  Amazing!

We had a lovely 3 hours or so at Slimbridge Wetlands Centre, largely in the quieter areas where the demographic was definitely older and armed with massive camera lenses, telescopes and/or binoculars - we felt rather under-equipped!  However, the birds were just busy getting on with their lives,  ignoring our exclamations of delight in seeing unusual (for us) species (Green Sandpiper, Marsh Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Avocet, White Egrets) not to mention the tamer birds fed at the centre.

We found a good walk for Berry on the outskirts of Gloucester and are now enduring rush hour on the M42. It's not too awful, we've known it much worse; thank goodness we don't have to do it on a regular basis. 

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