
By Essy


Despite all the waiting today was actually a nice day. When I woke up we waited for Henry and Dad to get home. It was so exciting, I genuinely cried a bit when I got to hug him again for the first time in a week. Dad took me Hugh and Adelaide  to Wimbledon then, but unfortunately we got stuck in a ridiculously long queue for the queue. 3 or 4 official and not so official people came past and told us it was a waste of time, one poor man even said he'd bought tickets and been there since 7am and not to bother. So we just left to try and pick up the car. 
The man who ows the car wasn't picking up his phone so we set up camp outside his house for I don't even know how long, maybe an hour or so. It was pretty hot and we ran out of games reasonably quickly. Hugh eventually resorted to spinning around this pole .
I got to go out with Mum and Dad for an insanely fancy dinner tonight. We started in this beautiful bar where a man was improvising on the piano. He was amazingly good, playing jazzy variations on things like the teddy bears picnic. Then we ate and oh my goodness. They had gourmet bread and gourmet butter and beluga caviar for 500 pounds. I have no idea what I ate but it was absolutely delicious. I was served champagne as well, which was probably almost as exciting as the dinner. 

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