Possibly the best

By Letters

Drugs and Scots Pine

With temperatures rising and new crops emerging, the shire is starting to recover from that late spring but not quite summer look. Three weeks ago it was all mud, dubs and more of the same. Now however the oilseed rape is casting a bright yellow caste over the landscape and the Scots Pine is blooming. The drugstores are doing a brisk trade in antihistamines, corticosteroids and decongestants.

That would of course be chemists in our parlance and not of course the drug store's of the USA where you are more likely to encounter candy, cosmetics, cleaning supplies, magazines and paperback books, as well as light refreshments served by bright young ladies with "how can I help you today" smiles and "Hi, I'm Joanne and I will be waiting on you this lunchtime" crazy lips.
Mind you, the local "Everything for a Pound" store in the shire encourages checkout staff to enhance the customer experience by offering carbohydrates to customers with the enticing message "thank you so much for shopping with us today, can I interest you in our special two for one offer of low fat chocolate".
The shop is of course inundated with folk who have given up trying to lose weight using other means and who will give anything a go.

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