Living my dream

By Mima

Dog bliss

Sunshine, Pink and blankets. A dog could ask for no more. 

While I mixed, kneaded, stretched, folded and proved a sourdough loaf, Bean snoozed. I watched tennis between stages of bread-making. Mima could ask for no more.

There has been surprising news from the UK about #3 brother. He was discharged from hospital yesterday and is back at his lovely nursing home. 5 days ago we had been advised he’d be in hospital for ‘weeks’ to get on top of the pneumonia and to be sure the perforated bowel has healed. Then he had a chest x-ray, and was moved to a long-stay ward. The new medical team reviewed his case and declared him fit to be discharged. #2 brother - who has power of attorney - wasn’t informed and hasn’t been able to speak to the medics*. He only found out what was happening from our nephew, who was even more bewildered than usual. 

So now we hope that #3 brother is really okay and there won’t be another emergency trip to hospital in the next few days. 

#1 and #2 brothers are likely to go to see him in the next few days, to be reassured that it was the right decision.

What a kerfuffle for them all.

* #2 brother has struggled to get any kind of information and reliable lines of communication with the hospital throughout the last three weeks - even when he was there in person. 

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