Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

The tall and the short of it

My friends Wayne and Nancy live on the road on the way to the church so today I trespassed to stop and take a few photos of their sunflower field.  Got some closeups but I liked this one best as it shows some flowers that grew way above the others.   There are hundreds of flowers in this field.

I love how their little (and big) faces are turned toward the sun.    At least they are getting the heat they need.

Speaking of heat, I had to do some googling today as the San Marzano tomatoes are just hanging there and none are turning red. I have about 20 tomatoes!    It has been over 30 days since the first little tomatoes showed up and not one has ripened yet.    They are growing but I felt like the larger/older ones should have already been red.   However, the google search said that extreme heat will stop growth.   And guess who has extreme heat.   I may never get any of these tomatoes to ripen since the extreme heat will last through August!!       The other two tomato plants are slower drying up.  I might have gotten six tomatoes between the two plants.  

  I am not even going to try to grow any tomatoes next year since I can get them at the farmers market near me. Without having to water them and then wonder if they will make it. 

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