
By Wildwood

Return to Cafe Frida

The weather is warming up considerably, and a one day closure at Trail House for cleaning have conspired to bring us back to Cafe Frida today. Taking a picture of the cast of characters proved to be akin to herding cats as we were late getting there, and Gail had to leave early. Spike made a brief appearance but was relegated to the car after a time. This is a step up for him as he hasn't been out of the house except to perform bodily functions for over a week. We forgot to ask the vet what the rules were for this, so we decided to take matters into our own hands. Living with a dog who is feeling more himself (not always very calm) and now amped up on steroids is becoming a bit wearing...

Bob regaled us with a tale of buying a new pair of jeans which had a button fly instead of a zipper. The buttonholes were so tight that he was unable to get the buttons through them so without taking them off, he took to them with a pocket knife. The rest was left to our imagination but he apparently succeeded in getting them fastened without serious injury.

He was unsure if he would ever manage to get out of them.

Rick was having trouble logging on to a website facilitating his return to San Diego on Sunday so he called the airline to see if they could help. Good thing, because the flight reservation he thought he had made for 8:30am was for a flight that doesn't exist. There is only one flight on Sunday and it is at 8:30pm. He was able to get a seat on that one with the assistance of a very helpful reservations clerk.Good thing he was having problems with the website....

Our neighbor Cindy dropped off some doggy stairs that go into the back of the car, to spare JOhn's back lifting Spike.  By the time Ozzie couldn't jump into the back of the car on his own, he wouldn't have anything to do with stairs or a ramp, and he was too heavy to lift, so we couldn't take him anywhere. We were able to lure Spike up the stairs with many treats and much encouragement. We'll have to invest in a set because Cindy needs them for her dog,  but nerve wracking as it is, I think we'll be able to train Spike. Even if he's able to jump in again after he gets the cone off, we'll probably need it when he gets older.

We're all having a much needed little rest now....

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