
By Wildwood

Some Days...

...there are just too many choices. I went to the store today to get some peppers to make a salsa. Just a plain green pepper. Well, and some sunflowesrs. Some days it's exciting to have all these choices--today not so much. Not a good day to make decisions.

We have an ongoing problem with birds flying into our windows. I thought if they were dirty maybe the birds would see them better. Apparently not, since I noticed this morning that there were full imprints of little birds with each feather outlined in the film on the window. I washed the windows and bought some new stickers that are supposed to warn them off.

The tire pressure light in the car is on again. Apparently it wasn't fixed on Thursday.

It's Peter's birthday today, so they went to to the A's game in Oakland. A friend got super tickets for them so they are sitting right behind home plate where we can keep an eye on them on TV while we entertain Rudy the dog. Apparently he doesn't miss them too much.

We decided to empty the little pool yesterday and clean it out. Apparently it has no drain and a piece of tape over a flaw in the grout. Is this any way to build a pool? Perhaps that was the source of the leak, although it stopped leaking before we emptied the pool...

After a wonderful holiday, we're missing Lady Findhorn and His Lordship, and the realities of life seem to be asserting themselves rather too strongly.

Not a good day to decide between twenty different kinds of peppers....

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