
By gennepher

Ink painting

Wildlife nighttime cameras
A medley of animals, Pa Badger left the badger cubs at home with mum while he enjoyed foraging...

Creative is an ink painting I did, which I finished off with the black ink drawing in Procreate.

Sparrows - there are 30 plus baby sparrows in my garden and no parents. There are three females I particularly recognise because they were the first in this latest batch of baby sparrows. I called them the 3 Musketeers. They squawked loudly, fluffing up their baby feathers, but no one came. They could all feed themselves from the feeders but they were skinny. Eventually more baby sparrows got 'dumped' in my garden. And no one was feeding any of them, but they squawked loudly to no avail. Then they got on with feeding themselves from the feeders. Some doing better than others. So I felt an obligation, as the adult, to make sure the feeders were always full. 20 plus fatballs a day was needed for this hungry lot. And if they ran out, I have a whole pile of baby sparrows looking at me to refill... that happened yesterday afternoon. They seem to regard me as 'she who fills the fatball feeders'.

They play all day long, fly up to my bedroom (door is open outwards into the garden).

A couple of days ago, two adult male sparrows flew into the garden and began feeding all the baby sparrows. It was bedlam when the baby sparrows realised someone was feeding them. Fights broke out between the baby sparrows to be first to be fed by the adult male sparrows. These same two adult males are now coming daily, a couple of hours after daylight and are leaving around 4pm.

As far as I can tell, all the 30 plus baby sparrows are females. They live and play and sleep and eat in my garden. They are a flock of sparrows in themselves. Is this how flocks of sparrows are formed?

They are used to this human, and don't mind me wandering among them doing my stuff.

I can watch them all day...

Have a great day.

Time for a cuppa.

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