
By Ellaphant

Breda Mural 02 -- 'Togetherness'

There are several murals in town, many part of the Blind Walls Gallery project.  Some of it is inside, most of them outside.  This one is obviously outside.  Thanks to the various photographic murals at my last place of work, I've become rather curious about how murals appear to have become a part of the local artistic scene.  I don't know if they are popular, but they can be an inspiration to both artists and viewing public, besides being a fab way to discourage 'cheap' graffiti.

Knowing the hunt would be a bad idea owing to clouds scurrying back and forth the whole day, I thought this would be a kind of 'next best thing'.  Even as I'm typing this, though, I'm also wondering what mundane objects out of my everyday life I can photograph whenever it feels as though there's nothing else.  That said, going out to look for a shot also adds to the daily 'colour'.  I don't have to settle for 'nothing'.  I can make 'it' as interesting (or boring) as I wish.

Main activity today centred on my genealogy project, picked up from where I stopped months ago.  Gaming, too.  Kitchen duties and laundry also, and then AW and I took a long walk after dinner, during which we talked about how our next-door neighbour and his children literally line our end of the street with their cars so that it is often problematic to back into or drive onto our driveway, and how I do not like being dependent on the placement of their various cars when it comes to parking our own.  Surely one is entitled to the use of one's own driveway?  We are in agreement with the solution we thought of separately, with minor variations between AW's idea and mine, and now the question is when to execute this plan.  For now, not yet.

Thankful for the ways I am able to fill my time.  Thankful there's a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

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