The Middle Ages

By oldbagofmetal

Shoppers paradise

I had a miserable day (just a little starved of human interaction) so instead will focus on the vibrant city of shopaholics that is Singapore.

Orchard Road is lined with shopping mall upon shopping mall, some of which are just huge. You could live here for years and never get round all of them.

Today's blip is an art piece situated outside ion mall, one of the largest malls and an absolute maze inside. Its probably a Singaporean rite of passage to negotiate your way successfully from one end to another, nearly everyone gets lost in there at some point (I did tonight, not for the first time!)

I liked this piece because it reflects the colour, the life and the shopping in this wonderful city. The alternative was a picture of my keyboard as I've been desk bound all day.

Onwards and upwards, I have beer and am about to order an unholy dessert, which is surely the cure for everything?

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