
By fitzbilly

Green Leaves

Not had much time for photography today, apart from a bit of editing to keep up do date with my Lightroom catalog. 

Otherwise I was busy mowing, vacuuming, tidying and dusting in the morning as we had friends coming for afternoon tea. I bought some nice scones yesterday so we could have a cream tea, Cornwall style of course. They went down well and we had a good catch up. 

In between times I may have watched some cricket. Not the test match, Somerset heading for another win I hope.

So a quick shot of these creeper leaves on the side of the house. I'm going to have to do some trimming back soon before they climb too high. Oh, I also did the bins, so it's been a busy day.

One year ago:
Stranded Dolly Bird
No sunbeams today, everything has gone into the dishwasher.

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