By greengirl

milking time

Fiona, Saskia and I had a lovely walk today with Jess and Archie around the coast, starting at Carsethorn. After lunch on the beach at Powillimount, we headed back on an inland path which took us through fields of dairy cows. From a distance, one of them appeared to be on the path ahead, the rest separated from us by an electric fence. As we approached, the rest of the herd (about 200 of them) stated following this one cow towards the farm. We realised that it was milking time, and sure enough, they were heading straight into the shed. Here we are on the other side of the electric fence, posing for a wasn't really that scary being followed along the track by so many cows..and the dogs were both on leads, of course :-)

Jess and Archie finished the walk with a swim in the sea, as the tide was now right in, and then we all went off for a cup of tea in New Abbey.

It's going to be very wet this weekend, apparently, so I finished off the mowing before tea tonight.

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