
By SparseRunner


The neat sequence of meetings that I'd lined up was thrown into disarray by Y's presentation starting late, and by PhD student M pushing back our afternoon meeting. In the meantime, I gave Y feedback on her presentation, and advice to MSc student W on her dissertation structure. I had lunch with M (pictured), the Edinburgh PhD student whose use of our software led to the huge donation from Google. He's such a dynamic and charismatic person. 

Embarrassment came after lunch, when I caught the end of a poster presentation session by our group's PhD students. I had a valuable chat with the last one to take down her poster, and then was approached by another PhD student who had helped tutor my course in the spring. Her sister and friend were visiting (from Chile) and were such fans of our software that they wanted a photo with me, which I found embarrassing as I have low self-esteem. I managed to ask polite questions about their stay in Scotland, but it's not my scene. 

In the afternoon I had a great technical chat with F, after trying my best to be constructive in a chat with the incoming Director of Teaching about the University's new but flawed student support system. In the middle of all this, daughter K arrived with a form that needed my signature. I even got a software issue resolved!

Having walked Django, shopped and cooked, I'm now shattered!

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