
By Bizonderimage

End of the road

For some weeks now our neighborhood has been undergoing some refurbishment.

This seemed to start with laying some fiber optic cable, when all was repaired it was all dug up again and the road and pavement completely rebuilt. But it seems they forget or broke the sewer because now a big underground refurbishment seems to be happening, and at the ends it is all being dug up again to put in new concrete pipes.

Alongside this is a re greening project which seems to consist of digging up every living thing in sight and replanting sticks - which hopefully will one day turn onto plants.

Today they have established some new road blocks and diversions and I think invented the opposite to perpetual motion - a kind of perpetual stoppage, where every route you take ends in this situation leaving you no option but to go back to where you came from....

In this shot the local supermarket car park is blocked and closed - we are close enough to easily walk but it must be costing them thousands in lost business for people who cannot anymore park near to the shop.

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