The Pensioner

By Pensioner


Awake at 3am with a rumbling. No, not me, nor the snoring first mate. That chain. We seemed secure enough as the boat weaved large figure of eights in the dark water. And later, a huge shift as the tide turned. Not the most relaxing night.
But a glorious sunny morning and a breeze which was enough to sail by, for a while. Then motor sailing on a pretty comfortable tack. North of St Abbs the wind fell away completely leaving us skimming over a grey glassy sea.
Into Dunbar where we stepped out to the boutiques and swinging hot spots. Well, the coop and the Station Yard, quite a natty little place serving Winton Ales.
But back to the "Volunteer Arms" which in some crass rewriting of history they’ve illustrated with a pub sign showing a jolly Victorian lifeboat volunteer. It was the French, as always, you clowns. Bonaparte.
And sundry other foreigner johnnies.
But hey, excellent f&s, beers aplenty and live music. Good live music too, with long-time-no-see Lewis on the fiddle. I had a chat with him and he reminisced about his trip to the States with Donald and young Andra.
Top evening of entertainment and best humorous ditty was sung very beautifully by a lass to the tune of Swinging on a Star…

Would you like to live in Dunbar
Buy yourself a wee car
Edinburgh’s no very far
Or would you rather live in Fife*?

*Fife is a kingdom without any king..
etc .. other places were mentioned of course.
And so to bed.. once we navigated the ladder

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