
By KCNQ2Haiku

Eerie woods

Early start; whingey
dog; mist hanging in the trees 
and alpaca wool!

We were late to bed last night and Ben slept well.. but Leo was whimpery, poor sausage.  I could hear him from about 4am, whining quietly but with the occasional disgruntled mini bark.  I was worried he would wake Ben as he certainly woke me :-(  I decided to go and take him for a wee at 4:30am in case he was out of routine and crossing his legs but he was just looking for reassurance in a new place, I think.  I tried to put him back but he still had a bit of a whimper and eventually it woke Ben up at 5:30am, so I got up with Leo and dozed on the sofa, he was happy just to know I was downstairs, he didn't really want me specifically, I just hope he's more settled tonight.  Fingers crossed everyone please.  The one good thing is that after our big walk this morning we came back to the cottage for lunch and he kept going in his crate for a snooze.  Although he sleeps brilliantly at night in his crate at home, he would never use it as his napping place in the day, so I think it's a good sign that he's seeing it as a safe place to sleep here.  Anyway, our walk was soggy but not cold.  It was a wood over Bassenthwaite lake, we didn't get good views with the weather and I couldn't take my nice camera as it always dies in the drizzle but it was a lovely experience.  The mist was hanging around and it had a mysterious quality.  It's only a phone photo and I put a filter on to try and see the mist more, as the phone had made it too bright!  Leo had fun running around the trees, Ben was tired out but seemed to enjoy it and we had some cake afterwards in the cafe, so he was a fan of that.  Later in the afternoon we went into Keswick for a wander and popped to a farm shop which had an alpaca farm attached.  They're very sweet.  Unfortunately I was distracted by looking at greetings cards in the shop and Leo picked up a ball of alpaca wool :-/ so that was an unexpected purchase!  Maybe this will be the thing to kick start my knitting career :D It is very soft and quite a lovely purple colour, so you never know!!   Quite a successful first holiday day (considering the weather!)

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