
By Viewpoint

A welcome change from the rain

... at last a little relief from the rain when the sun came out after lunch.  The butterflies and bees appreciated it and I was able to hang my washing out to dry.

The pair on the left ar Gatekeepers and there were three of them yesterday looking bright and cheerful in their newly emerged state.  The one on the right looks similar, but is bigger with slightly different markings and is a Meadow Brown - it's now looking a bit faded and worn.  There were also two large whites that had disappeared by the time I got the camera out.

I had a trip up to the post office with the lens I wanted to return - I didn't send it because it was a return label to China - around £20.  I need to get in touch with Amazon - I've tried one this morning, but my brain hasn't woken up enough.  Also a trip to the Hospice warehouse with a few of Phil's things and to ask how they manage slightly more valuable items now.  They used to have someone who checked them out online and then sent them to auction.  I'm still trying to work out what to do with the many paintings/ artwork that Phil bought and didn't even unwrap.

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