
By KCNQ2Haiku


Ullswater today,
walk over forests and fields,
penultimate day.

Well, stop the press.. we slept!  Leo didn't whimper or bark and Ben didn't fetch me and the diabetes kit remained quiet.  Fifth day was obviously the charm!  It felt lovely to wake up feeling refreshed!  We pottered in the morning, Mr KCNQHaiku had a run and I did some ironing and sent an email to Ben's new teacher for next year about his timetable (the teacher had made the mistake of asking me what I thought of it!!). Then we went to a local farm shop for a brunch.  Ben was very excited and struggled to contain his behaviour with the staff and us, touching everything, tipping out the salt etc but we managed and it was very tasty.  Leo had a salmon fish chew thing which he was beyond delighted with.
Afterwards we went to the Pooley Bridge end of Ullswater for a walk through the Dunmallard forest and surrounding fields.  It was a nice little loop, lots of different terrain and views.  
We came back to the cottage for a little rest and I sorted some washing and recycling and downloaded my pictures before we set off on a more local walk that conveniently took in the nearby pub :-)  We had a couple of games of rummy whilst Ben drank a Diet Coke and we had half a pint.  He continued to want to touch everything and nose about and Leo had a mini bark at anyone who entered, so it wasn't stress free but overall I think it was a success!  
Home now for tea :-D

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