
By HeartFreek

Chunky Monkeys eat Ice cream!

I had the girls and their babies over for dinner today. I know I see them alot and probably needed a rest from the Babies but I don't often get to see them together where Im not having to look after the boys. Mr W was out at the cinema as I had a super pesty client in the studio who uses the toilet every hour and finds the smallest of things to complain about which causes Bella to bark with every single open of the back door so I had to send him out!! The client was still pesky. Apparently the milk I left her was off. NO IT WASN'T. She walked into the kitchen a total of 5 times during her 4 hour visit which was not acceptable with family here. I need to take action!!!! She's going to be my 1st sacking!!! Sad.

The boys were great. They thoroughly enjoyed my fish pie but were extra excited for ice cream, sprinkles and wafers. Their faces were adorable.

The girls then attempted to bath the babies but Jasper doesn't like the feel of the slippery bath without his slip mat so refused to sit down. DN2 ended up getting in the shower with him instead!!!!

I love these boys with all of my heart. I think as much as if they were my own. xxxxx

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