My star wand

3years 226days

Miss Vanessa gave a wand like this all the little ones from tinies ballet class in Katie's performance. She went to each girl and said how well they'd done and how proud she was and that the wand was because they were her little stars. Katie's very proud of it. She's taken it to bed, she's taken it round with her as she played, she's taking it to nursery. She's really hoping that her keyworker will be back from holiday today, she has missed her!

She skipped all the way to nursery, Monkey swinging by her side, singing "down in the jungle". She's going to be a hyper girl when she gets back as Granny and Grandad are coming for tea (and bringing it with them so I dont have to cook as I'm wading through the 2000+ photos from the show still).

Katie's 3things
I broked my wand and was very sad (she tried so hard to be brave about it but as soon as it was just her and I, she cried and cried)
Tamsin, Madison, Brooke & I were playing at the water and then Lesley came! We gave her a big cuddle
I put my clips in my pocket to keep them safe

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