
4years 226days

I havent done a posey studio portrait of her in a while. She was very keen for me to do some this morning. She'd chosen her "flowery dungarees that I love, Mummy" to wear and we found the daisy hairband in the prop basket (she's now claimed it as her own, I think. Not my cup of tea, but totally hers). We like to send photos modelling her handmade purchases, this one is from a gorgeous page in Australia that we buy from regularly. She seems to have Katie's style down to a tee!

Slightly longer morning for her at nursery today as I had a newborn visiting. Into town for some jobs (and probably a babyccino) before her now slightly-earlier swimming lesson. New block of 10, so back to the widths of the big pool for the first 4 weeks. She's at the other side of the swimming pool for this set, so going in is just a wee bit different and where I sit to watch will be totally different. We shall see her opinion on that later!

One of her room staff is coming to put her to bed and sit for a couple of hours as Victoria and I have a meeting. Katie was initially unimpressed at this (its the first evening babysitter we've ever had, rather than Grandad coming or her going to a close friend's). However this morning, she was showing me the pretend tea party she is going to share with Becky.

PS thanks for all the lovely comments yesterday xxx

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